Solar water heating system. 30 x 58mm evacuated tubes, facing south. 180l tank. Sussex, UK. The tank is also heated by a woodstove, oil boiler or by electric immersion heater.
Monitoring air quality (particulate matter) and CO2 concentration in Yangon with SDS011 & MH-Z19B NDIR sensors. Current development station is installed Botataung township.
Enregistrement température et humidité dans le bureau d'antony
The values are determined by means of a "Node MCU ESP8266" and a DHT22 sensor. Values are transmitted when changes take place or after a time X. *** Die Werte werden mit Hilfe eines "Node MCU ESP8266" und eines DHT22 Sensors ermittelt. Werte werden
Lora based weather station with DHT, Dust and water temperature. Humidity: DHT22, Dust: Sharp GP2Y1014AU0F, Temperature: DS18B20, Pressure: BMP280