Micropython and DHT11 implementation. Temperature and humidity from Cucuta, Colombia, Norte de santander
Jag har kopplat en Arduino NodeMCU till en jordfuktighetsmätare och en rörelsesensor. Dessa skickar sin data hit till ThingSpeak och till Azure CosmosDB via en WebFunction.
This is my first channel, to test how things work. Using nodeMCU (Amica) programmed in the Arduino IDE. No sensors added, yet. Only feeds system-internal values.
Simple weather station running on a NodeMCU (V3 - ESP8266) reporting data from a BMP180 sensor, a DHT11 and an LDR.
This is measuring the temperature inside my son's fish tank. This is much better than the temp strip on the side of the tank.
Small Automated Greenhouse Prototype, composed by: internal and external temperature and humidity (2xDHT11), Soil temperature (DS18B20), Soil humidity (bad quality prototype), Fan, exhaust fan, irrigation system and lamps;
Strona wyświetlająca aktualną temperaturę w Chełmży oraz statystyki tej strony