Smart Farming is an IOT based system build for monitoring the crop fields with the help of sensors and automatic irrigation system. A farmer can monitor the field condition from anywhere and collect the crop data or analysis.
Sensor data from a WPI student team's high altitude balloon payload.
This weather station allows measuring the following parameters: Temperature, percentage of humidity and pressure through the BME280 sensor; Percentage of CO2 and TVOC through the CCS811 sensor; O2 concentration through the Groove O2 sensor; PM 1.0 and PM
Collecting data : Temperature, Humidity, Moisture, Solar Radiation from ITC GREENHOUSE. We have two sensor nodes working in Greenhouse and a Coordinator collected data from those nodes sending data to ThingSpeak using NodeMCU.
Reads a PMS5003 air quality sensor with an ESP32. Written in C code using ESP IDF and VSCode. Using Matlab analysis and React to send an email alert. Reads an AHT20 and displays humidity and temperature.