Lariano (Metropolitan City of Rome) - Lazio - Italy CAP 00076 - Lat: 41.72° Lon: 12.82° Alt: 350m s.l.m. Via Castello D'Ariano, 67
Wifi relay/sensor station listening to exxternal sensor station and uploads their data. Sensors DHT22, AMS3220, stations 2x ESP8266 (wemos d1 mini)
Indoor Homemade Weather station With ESP32 and BME-280 installed in the apartment in Temara Morocco
Stacja meteo oparta na Wemos D1 mini ESPeasy z czujnikami BMP180 i DHT22
Meteo station colect Humidity, Temperature, Pressure data and analize
Stacja Meteo w Wadowicach. Stacja zasilana jest panelami fotowoltaicznymi.