Temperature&Humidity measurement in my greenhause with usage of ESP8266 running NodeMCU and LUA script with DHT22 sensor.
Temperature and humidity acquisition using Arduino Pro Mini and DHT22.
First part of the weather station. DHT22 temperature & humidity sensor driven by a Raspberry Pi 2 running a Python script.
Мониторинг создан 18.02.2017. Использованы ESP8266, DHT22, MH-Z19
Arduino WeMos D1R2 // DHT22: Temperatura y Humedad // BMP280: Temperatura y Presión // Personal Weather Station in Buenos Aires, Argentina // Updates every 15 min
ESP8266-12E with DHT22 temperature and humidity, BMP085 barometric pressure and temperature, BH1750FVI light intensity and BPW34 solar irradiance logger in Romania, Odorheiu-Secuiesc 535600, Tineretului 5/15
Solar Powered ESP8266 whit voltage controll over ACD PIN and a DHT22
ESP8266 ESP12E -DHT22 Sending Celsius Temperature value and Humidity percentage every 10 minutes