Indoor remote temperature sensor for DIY weather station in Skierniewice, Poland.
Internal monitoring of my weather station. For weather data look here: ESP8266 with Dallas DS18S20 Temp Sensor, SparkFun LiPo Fuel Gauge (MAX17043G), Adafruit Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger - v2
dht22 an nodeMCU mit ESPeasy, todo: taupunktberechnung zur effektiveren schimmelzucht
Weather from in Central Park (lat=40.78,lon=-73.96). Website:
Environmental conditions in the Make Hack Void building in metric units. Humidity is relative and air pressure in hPa is adjusted to sea level. This data is acquired with an ESP8266 Wemos using the source code at
my third tempbug: likely to be used for testing