Sistem Pemantau Greenhouse Hidroponik. Suhu Udara, Suhu Air, Kelembaban Udara, Tinggi bak Air, TDS Air, pH Air dan ESP8266 Berbasis IoT.
Este canal se creo con fines de prueba de un pluviometro construido a travez de partes diseñadas por varias personas.
This data set represents the variables of a hydroponic system that are being measured and controlled automatically using an Arduino program created by students at San Antonio College.
682 m s. n. m. Datos actualizados cada 5 minutos. NodeMCU v3 ESP8266, BME280, DHT22 y BH1750 #Sanchinarro
Sound Monitor at Burnham Station; reporting dB next to the CN train tracks - St Charles Air Line
Uses a D1 Mini and Arduino code with an HTU21D for ambient sensing and two DS18B20 OneWire sensors for inlet and outlet temperature measurement. The heat-pump mode detection uses temperature difference and its derivative of the inlet and outlet temperatu
Measures the relationship between light intensity and solar panel power output. Panel is 80 x 55 mm rated at 6 V 100 mA. An INA219 measures current, voltage, and power output. A TP4056 controls the charge of a 600 mAh cell. Reports every 5 minutes.