Air temperature and humidity, including air pressure and inside air quality sensors running on an ESP32 and a solar powered ESP8266.
Pico Pi W with: Pressure Sensor MPL3115a2 UV Sennsor GUVA-S12SD Humidity Sensor SHT40 Temperatur Sensor for Case-Temperatur and Earth-Temperatur DS18B20 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge 5ml / 55cm² approx 0.091mm/m² Todo: WindSpeed and WindDirection
Solar backyard greenhouse weather station based on the Solar Powered WiFi Weather Station V2.0 by opengreenenergy
Testing weather station - Milovice, CZECH. Meteostation solar powered, battery LiOn 18650 2200mAH, ESP8266 + BMP280 + Solar panel 6V/160mA. Sensor is now at same box as ESP8266. Location - window sill on the north side of the house.
This is a 3d printed weather station as can be found here...