Arduino Mega2560, LM35 ve DHT11 ile Sicaklik ve Nem degerlerini okuma ve ESP8266 ile ThingSpeak'te grafik olarak gosterme calismasi.
Uses a DS18B20 sensor with an ESP8266 board with a 16x2 LCD display
Using Sparkfun Wifi Shield to update ThingSpeak with mobile data (tested and working on TELUS, Roger's, not Koodo). Trying to hook up SEN0244 (baud rate issue? help appreciated) and SEN0161 (out of mem).
Air Compressor Room Temperature & Humidity data from DHT22 Sensor running on a Heltec Automation WiFi Kit 8 (ESP-12E NodeMCU 1.0 with 0.91" OLED Display)
Weather Station using 3D Printed parts and a Wemos D1 Mini Pro to send data over wifi
ESP8266 with BME280 and BHY1780 sensors mapping Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, and Light Intensity every 10 minutes.