Channel for testing data acquisiton from 1 sensor and analyzing it.
WeMos D1 Mini Pro based on project: and
Prueba de Estación Meteorológica experimental realizada con Arduino, DHT22, BMP085 y ESP8266.
The data from raspberry pi connected to Arduino with MQ sensors to measure air quality in my area.
LAB08: Canal para armazenar dados de 3 sensores . LAB10: Permite o controle do motor.
This is a live data feed of my custom Arduino powered weather station. It uses LoRa to transmit data every 20 seconds.
Mech Farm Field 3: Soil moisture monitoring station: Watermark sensors at 4 depths, SAM21D microcontroller, LTE CAT-M1 cellular data transmission.
Canal no Lab08 para armazenar dados da montagem do laboratório