Produccion de energia electrica con Panel Solar SonOff (ESP8266) + 670W Photovoltaic Solar Panel
The temperature and humidity readings of the DHT22 sensor and the light intensity readings of the BH1750FVI sensor are connected to the Arduino UnoWiFi Rev2 module.
It collect's the data of a density based traffic light controller.
Meteo data from Vihorlat Mountains, Slovakia. Measured by BME280 sensor. Data is transmitted by IOT LPWAN SigFox Node UART Modem 868MHz.
Measuring temperature and humidity in a private residence in Oslo with dht11 and NodeMCU ESP-12E Module
the first part of my moms IoT garden stuff temperature, humidity, light and atmosphere
Heat Pump Energy Monitor, based on PZEM 016. Data uplodaded with a ESP8266 (WEMOS D1 Mini) + IL9431 local display
Grow Box Monitor with sh11, arduino and esp8266 wifi module