An LND7317 tube has been connected through the Theremino Geiger sensor to an ESP8266 (Tasmota firmware). Every minute, a node.js app asks for the current count though MQTT, makes the CPM to uSv/h conversion, and finally sends it to ThingSpeak. Enjoy! :-)
Data collection of background Radiation count/Dose, Temperature, Humidity, Atmospheric pressure (Installed outdoor since Dec 22 2017) Using GK-Radmon + v2.1
Count per minute (cpm) radiation level. The tube used detects Beta and Gamma radiation (no Alpha). Conversion factor cpm to μSv/h is 0.00812 (as per manufacturer specs).
Radiation monitoring station in Kingston, Ontario using Alara Consultant Inc's Radiation Alert Inspector USB.
GK-B5 Radiation Monitor with GK-Wifi logger located in Sheffield, MA
Radiation on Florence Italy Beta and Gamma detected by Arduino-ethernetshield-libeliumradiation-sbm20geigertube. Updated every 5 minutes