DIY weather station in Skierniewice, Poland. Current sensors: - humidity & temperature sensor: DHT22, - light intensity sensor: BH1750, - barometric pressure sensor: BMP085. Other equipment: - wireless network: ESP8266, - RTC: DS3231.
Weather Ballon by Aerospace Engineering, University of Cairo Located at Al Jizah, Egypt Made by Ahmed Mohammed Selim and Ahmed Nasser Kamel Under Supervision of Dr. Mohammed Nader and Dr. Ayman Qasem (Chairman)
Allwinner H3 Orange PI PC using BMP180 posting via python on Debian 8 Jessie
Digistump OAK acting as an arduino and pushing reading from 2 DS18B20 and a moisture sensor to thingspeak. From 09111 Chemnitz, Germany.
Weather conditions from Weather Underground at the Make Hack Void building. Used for comparing environmental conditions inside with those outside.
Simple weather station running on a NodeMCU (V3 - ESP8266) reporting data from a BMP180 sensor, a DHT11 and an LDR.
Located at Institute for Software Integrated Systems (Vanderbilt University)
Weather observations sourced from accuweather site plotted on graphs for Temperature, Pressure, Humidity and Wind Speed. Readings are taken every 10 mins from