This project for monitoring mangrove ecosystem based on physic and chemical parameters.
172 Daniels Island Road, Mashpee, MA Ockway Bay tide measured using Maxbotix ultrasonic range sensor, Arduino and Sparkfun cellular shield. Updated hardware now uses a Particle Electron.
A remote sensing station for Wuntho's creek water level status.
A remote sensing station for Wuntho's creek water level status.
Monitor the water level in real-time with this IoT-enabled project. An ultrasonic sensor connected to an ESP32 board measures the distance to the water surface, providing accurate readings in centimeters. Follow fluctuations in water level over time and g
Project involves the development of an automatic reservoir gate control system using NodeMCU (ESP8266 & ESP32) and a SIM900A Mini GSM module. This system aims to optimize irrigation practices by considering various environmental factors such as temperatur
Sensing water level in u/g storage tank. monitoring water level in reservoir
water Tank level at my home, cap- 1000 L type: overhead tank, sensor: ultrasonic distance measurement
The project uses two types of sensors for measuring temprature , humidity and soil moisture content. And turn the pump or fan on and off based on the values of sensors