Weather station located in Uchaly (Russia)

Weather station located in Uchaly (Russia). Hardware used: NodeMCU3 (ESP8266) + SHT31 + BME280 sensor.
  uchaly, esp8266, nodemcu, wemos, bme280, weather, russia, bashkortostan, weather station, sht31

Field 1 Chart
Temperature (SHT31)
Field 2 Chart
Humidity (SHT31)
Field 3 Chart
Atm. pressure (BME280)
Field 6 Chart
Dew point (SHT31)
Field 7 Chart
Field 8 Chart
Temp. from SHT31 and BME280 from 1 last day
Temperature and dewpoint data from 3 last days
Correlation between temperature and humidity
Compare temperature data from three last days
Temperature and humidity on two different y-axes
Field 4 Chart
Field 5 Chart
Channel Location