ESP-WROOM-32 and BME280 powerd by an 6V 1W Solarpanel with an 2000mAh LiPo. The device is up for 1300ms and sleeps for 10 minutes. Current while sleep is about 11µA, and at uptime about 100mA.
in my room.device : arduino. DS18B20 : temperature. AM2302 : temperature,humidity. LPS25H : temperature,pressure
ESP-WROOM-32 on a selfmade PCB-layout with an BME280 sensor. Powered by an 1W 6V Solarcell and a 2000mAh LiPo Battery. The device is up for 1300ms and sleeps 10 minutes. The current while sleeping is about 11µA and at uptime about 100mA.
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