Temp & humidity measured by an ESP8266 on a NodeMcu Lua board using a DHT22 sensor.
ARD-Tech LMS Demo, IoT, ESP8266, MCP9808, I2C, Analogue, Digital, WiFi, WEB
Testing DHT22 adn BMP280 with ESP8266-12 and an 3 AAA Eneloop 1,5 Accu-Cells, sample every 6 min. VoltageBatt is via internal ADC. Systems is powerd with 3V using a Low Drop HT7330 Regulator.
Medida de temperatura ambiente con sensor ds18b20, conectado a ESP 8266 01, envío de datos mediante protocolo mqtt a cliente node-red corriendo en Raspberry pi, el broker mqtt corre tambien sobre la Raspberry
Weather Station positioned top of cellar near the roof. Temps and Pressures from BMP180, Humidity from DHT22, lux estimated form LDR all monitored by a ESP8266.
Estación Meteorológica La Gruta Wifi con Wemos D1 Mini ubicada a 774 m SNM en Antonio E. Aguero y Cerro de la Cruz, Juana Koslay (San Luis), Argentina