Meteo della città di Mondragone. Piccola stazione meteo amatoriale che rileva temperatura, umidità, pressione atmosferica e intensità della luce
A weather station based on NodeMCU ESP8266 with a 2'4-inch screen TFT SPI 240*320 ILI9341. The weather station receives weather data from the OpenWeatherMap service and displays them on the screen. Connected BME280 sensor.
Weather station from Porto, Portugal with arduino Mega, NRF24L01,ESP8266
Leer y registar datos de temperatura y humedad mediante empleo de tarjeta NodeMCU ESP8266
Proyecto Final del modulo Construccion, Simulacion y Montaje de Dispositivos de Hardware Computacional, Estacion meteorologica MARINEFORD JSBB.
IOT based Project Submitted by Students of Chitkara University, Baddi.
Solar Heaters (3 different boxes that were a science project) are connected in series and are being used as a supplemental heat source for my bedroom. I am using 4 DS18B20 sensors, 1 DHT11, a servo, and 3 fans. These are all being controlled by NodeMCU.