Environment sensors in and around the house. Includes Anemometer, Barometric Pressure, Temp (in/out), Humidity (in/out), and Dew Point and my Sump pump liquid level. Using an Arduino Yun.
This channel updates information about the DC motor.The values from the temperature sensor,speed sensor and the current sensor are read using Arduino Uno and these values are streamed via thingspeak API to the front-end Freeboard.Simply ,its , Remote Moni
Arduino Pro Mini ATmega328 @ 3.3V 8M. ESP8266-01 WiFi Module. DHT21 (AM2301) Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor Module. Accuracy: 0.1 Measurement range: 0-100%RH Precision: ±3%RH. Temperature measurement range: -40℃ ~ +80℃. Precision: ±0.5℃
I'm experimenting with the ESP8266 WiFi-UART adapter and found some code showing how to use it as the bridge between a temperature sensor and ThingSpeak. Based on code at http://www.instructables.com/id/ESP8266-Wifi-Temperature-Logger/.
Arduino Based System used to monitor the inside temperature and humidity of an outside Food freezer. Ambient, in this case outdoor, temperature and humidity is also collected.
Arduino, XBee and DHT11 Based Thermostat Prototype. Measuring the temp/humidity inside my home and temp/humidity in the wet side of the air handler.
Monitored Solar Voltage, Current, Temperature and Humidity
Sistema de monitoreo de temperatura y humedad usando Arduino Nano 33 IoT y sensor DHT11 alimentado por cosecha de energía de buganvilia común.
Sensor Suhu dan Kelembapan menggunakan DHT 11, nodemcu esp8266, kabel jumper, mit app inventor dan Arduino IDE, Abdillah dan Yusuf
This channel stores posture-related data collected from a flex sensor and EMG sensor to monitor bad posture.