Temperatura leída con DS18B20 conectado a Nodemcu lolin con tasmota enviada con nodered y Home Assistant
Obtenção de temperatura e umidade utilizando-se de nodemcu com micropython e sensor DHT22.
Load cell connected with Hx711 and gives data to Nodemcu ESP8266
A portable sensor station located in different parts of the garden, so we can measure conditions before planting
This channel tracks snow depth. The device uses a Maxbotix ultrasonic distance sensor interfaced to a ESP8266 Wifi module. The code is written on the Arduino platform to support over-the-air program updates and uplinking to Thingspeak. Designed by Jeff E.
A weather station based on NodeMCU ESP8266 with a 2'4-inch screen TFT SPI 240*320 ILI9341. The weather station receives weather data from the OpenWeatherMap service and displays them on the screen. Connected BME280 sensor.
IOT based Project Submitted by Students of Chitkara University, Baddi.
Solar Heaters (3 different boxes that were a science project) are connected in series and are being used as a supplemental heat source for my bedroom. I am using 4 DS18B20 sensors, 1 DHT11, a servo, and 3 fans. These are all being controlled by NodeMCU.