Temperature and humidity in Santos, Brazil. The data is calculated and sent by an ESP8266 and a DHT22.
SHT15 + MPL3115A2 sending data via ESP8266 just for testing purposes...
SHT15 + MPL3115A2 sending data via ESP8266 just for testing purposes and the dewpoint is calculated thru MATLAB
Collecting data from dht11 and bmp085 ( temperature, humidity and pressure)
Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitssensoren Thoule Sensor 1: Keller Box 7/8 Sensor 2: Keller Box 5 Sensor 3: Theke Sensor 4: Keller Box 9
Log temp & humidity data from DHT22. https://eryk.io/2016/04/temperature-logging-to-thingspeak-using-esp8266-and-dht22/