A weather forecaster (weathercaster) table clock powered by NodeMCU (ESP8266 & DHT22 Temperature Sensor).
ESP8266 para registro de TEMPERATURA e UMIDADE na cidade de Bragança Paulista-SP (em uma varanda, sob a sombra de uma jabuticabeira)
Currently, this LoLIn Nodemcu is used to measure the capacity from recycled 18650 notebook batteries. Values maybe empty before new battery start.
Dunavecse - időjárás állomás Hőmérséklet, páratartalom, légnyomás. NODEMCU ESP8266, DHT11, BMP180
Displays the current of three Mains Phases in Amps (plus an additional Test-Phase). Implementation: 3 (4) split core transformers are connected to the mains distribution box. Each transformer connected to a ADC (in differential mode). Data is collect
This system use Arduino mega , nodemcu(esp8266) ,3.5 tft lcd,ph sensor, tds sensor , temperature sensor and Turbidity sensor
Smart Garden Monitoring System: This ThingSpeak channel collects and monitors real-time data from our smart garden. The sensors used include a soil moisture sensor, light intensity sensor, and a humidity/temperature sensor. The channel stores and visualiz
LemonOSI is an intelligent system for analyzing and monitoring data on the consumption of household services (such as water, pressure, electricity).