Read BME280 with Arduino, serial communication w ESP8266 upload Temp,hum, pressure
plot inside/ outside temperature, humidity and barometric pressure using arduino/ bmp180 / dht22, location nr berlin intervall 1h
Fuel oil level (gallons) for boiler using esp8266 and cheap ultrasonic distance sensor. Woodstove temperatures using TCs and ESP8266.
Arduino Pro Mini (3.3 V, 8 MHz) measuring outside temperature and humidity using a DHT21. Powered by 3 AA eneloops using (only) the on-board voltage regulator. Battery voltage is measured by internal ADC. Wifi connected by esp8266
This channel is used to remotely control the alarm system at home. I use the following fields: - status: it's about the mode of the alarm system (armed or not armed) -alarm: a value under 0 happens when there is an alarm in the system and a Tweet is sen
REDE DE ESTAÇÕES METEOROLÓGICAS AUTOMÁTICAS DIDÁTICAS EXPERIMENTAIS Este projeto consiste em uma rede de estações meteorológicas automáticas, instaladas em escolas públicas do Distrito Federal, visando o monitoramento de alguns fatores climáticos locais.