Arduino, DHT22, Temperatura, humedad, ventilador, bomba nebulizadora, bomba de riego y modo de trabajo
Simple weather station running on a NodeMCU (V3 - ESP8266) reporting data from a BMP180 sensor, a DHT11 and an LDR.
Logger for hamster wheels of two Syrian Hamsters, measured via affixed magnets and reed switches connected to ESP8266 boards
Temperature and humidity measurement by means of DHT11 sensor. The remote station is connected by GPRS network using an SIM 800L module join to Arduino.
Grafico de la acción de control aplicada a través del PWM del Arduino Nano
ZigBee-базирана сензорна мрежа, състояща се от възли, използващи платформа с отворен код Arduino.
Monitoring intensitas cahaya, konsentrasi CO2 udara, suhu udara, kelembapan udara menggunakan sensor BH1750 FVI, mq135, dht22, arduino mega, nodemcu, dan Thingspeak