Arduino Wetterstation, Temperatur innen und außen und Luftfeuchtigkeit innen
This channel measures Temperature and humidity with a DHT22 and PM2.5 &10 with a SDS011. All with an ESP32, an MQTT and a Node-Red server.
Temperature,humidity, 3 channel lights, one channel ventilation, daylight sensor, movement sensor,
Cost Efficient Edge Intelligence Framework Using Docker Containers Or Tracking the Activities of Psychiatric Patients Using Docker Technology
Monitoring pH, TDS, Suhu, dan Volume tandon warna orange + kelembapan tanah dan suhu tanah menggunakan sensor pH, sensor TDS, sensor DS18B20, soil moisture, arduino, nodeMCU, dan Thingspeak
Monitoring suhu aliran air dalam hidroponik DFT/NFT Faperta UNS menggunakan Arduino Mega, NodeMCU, sensor DS18B20, Thingspeak
Monitoring Hidroponik Sistem DFT/NFT menggunakan Arduino Mega, NodeMCU, sensor pH, sensor TDS, sensor suhu tandon (DS18B20), sensor volume (US-100).
Using this channel to get real time Temperature and Humidity and get alarm if temperature increase