Garn WHS200 Outdoor Wood Boiler monitor temperatures used to determine performance and when to restart or stoke the boiler. The boiler is a batch burn system that store 2000 gallons of heated water to be used for hydronic heating and domestic hot water
Yavatmal, India, (20.3899° N, 78.1307° E) weather conditions are available online in real-time.
Monitoreo de lombricomposta con IoT en el Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario No. 24
MiniProyecto 3 del curso de IoT de comunicación entre dos placas: una NodeMCU y otra Arduino con ESP01. La placa arduino manda el valor de un sensor de luz a Thingspeak, y es leída por la placa NodeMCU. Si el valor leído es superior al umbral fijado, la
Weather station using an ATmega2560 and ESP8266 Author: Nikola Bogdanov
The Project Aims to Collect Data of the Situations Faced by Miners Underground if any issues neccesary actions can be taken
NodeMCU ESP8266 with DHT22, BMP180, ML8511, MQ135 & KY037 sensors