Stony Creek Harbor Tide & Meteorology Station

Sentient Things smart ultrasonic tide guage with wind speed and direction, water and air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure. Based on the Sentient Things IoT Node.
  stony creek, thimble islands
 More Information

Field 1 Chart
Tide Level (ft. from mllw)
Field 2 Chart
Wind Velocity Vectors -- North = 0
Wind Speed (mph)
Field 3 Chart
Wind Direction - Deg. North
Field 5 Chart
Air Temp (deg. F.)
Field 4 Chart
Water Temp (degrees F.)
Field 6 Chart
Humidity (%)
Field 7 Chart
Atmospheric Pressure (millibars)
Field 8 Chart
Battery Voltage (V.)
Channel Status Updates
Channel Location
Histogram of Wind Directions in Stony Creek
Correlation between water temperature and tide level
Stony Creek Temperature and Humidity Correlation